"International Workshop of Cross Cultural Research on Speech Communication & Second Language learning processing" will be held at Bordeaux in March 15th 2013.



Description : 


Recently, linguistic researchs about "how one speaks", as observed during daily conversation in various contexts, has been attracting public interest. We know that how a person speaks is highly related with the  mother tongue as well as culture. Consequently,spoken communication expressions are highly specific to the language and culture of each speaker community. 




Syntactic and lexical points are intensively taught in foreign language learning classes. Recently,in addition,  the acoustical and gestural characteristics of "how to speak" are being investigated in order to improve the quality of teaching foreign languages. Hence, 'speech communication', "contrastive studies" and ”L2 learning processes" have been selected as topics for this current workshop.




Speech communication is beyond a simple oral exchange of information; it is a  "dynamic interaction" conveying mental states, intentions and speaker's personalities through speech expressivity, facial and body gestures.  The discussions and papers at this workshop are expected to enrich our knowledge of psychological, linguistic and physiological aspects of affective expressions., We hope to develop new and original approaches applicable to language learning methods through the many exchanges amongparticipants. It is our great pleasure to be able to share this knowledge and discovery of new ideas, thanks to the presentations of participants and the panel discussions at this conference. 



 For more details, please clic here.